Calculating Cost

Calculating Cost of Consequence

RisskView analyse the financial consequences by estimating the severity and impact on the business and the health and safety aspect. RiskView will calculate the probable loss based on the data within corresponding fields.

To display the following form, you would need to navigate to a Consequence node and click on clip1186.


The following table describes the labels in this screen.




The number of a fatality.

Permanent Injuries

The number of a permanent injury.

Serious Injuries

The number of a serious injury.

Minor Injuries

The number of a minor injury.


The financial impact of damages to properties, quantified in term of $,000.

Loss of Income

The financial loss of income, quantified in term of $,000.


The financial cost of restoration to its previous state, quantified in term of $,000.


Total financial cost of each sections (Health & Safety, Business and Overall).

Calculating Control Cost

RiskView, we can also further analyse the cost benefits of the controls used in the study. By defining the cost details in RiskView, it will generate a summary on how cost efficient that particular control is and operators/users can then decide whether to further utilise that control in other scenario or to seek for alternate cost benefit solutions.


The following table describes the labels in this screen.



Implementation Cost

The cost of implementing the control, quantified in term of $,000.

Operation & Maintenance Cost

The operational and maintenance cost of  the control, quantified in term of $,000 per annum.

Expected time in Operation

The expected life of the control.

Present Value

The present value of the control.

Calculating Benefits

Once each section is completed the results summary of the benefits are shown on the Risk node.


The following table describes the labels in this screen.



Total Health and Safety Consequence Cost

Total financial impact on health and safety.

Total Business Consequence Cost

Total financial impact on the business.

Total Consequence Cost

Total financial cost of all consequence.

Inherent Risk Cost

Initial financial impact of the Risk, ignoring the effect of all control.

Current Risk Cost

Financial impact of the Risk, taking into account the effect of control which are in service.

Proposed Risk Cost

Financial impact of the Risk, taking into account the effect of control which are proposed and in service.

Risk Cost Benefit

Financial benefit of implementing a proposed control.

Current Control Cost

Total cost of control which are in service.

Proposed Control Cost

Total cost of control which are proposed and in service.

Present Value Control Cost

Total present value of controls.

Disproportion Factor

Displays the disproportion factor for the current risk.

Acceptable Disproportion Factor

Displays the acceptable disproportion factor for the current risk.

(If Acceptable Disproportion Factor > Disproportion Factor then the installation of controls will be justified)

Costing Assumptions

Assumptions made when conducting a cost benefit analysis.


Click here to see an example of the application of Cost Benefit Analysis in RiskView.

Created with Help & Manual 6 and styled with Premium Pack Version 2.15